Connecting Communities for Change

Britain is back together. It’s time for change.

`The Community Service Organisation. We are on a mission to renew forgotten Britain through the generation of community power and leadership.

National renewal is possible. We’ve done it before.

We bring over 80 years of collective community organising experience to bear on the great challenges posed to communities that have been abandoned by both the market and the state. Our work is driven by local people. Their leadership. Their interests. With a proven record of generating the power needed to fix big social problems.

Ready to take the next step?

We are building a national grid of community power to re-energise forgotten places. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to hold a house meeting, money to fund organising in your area, or energy to pressure leaders to embrace the agenda for civic renewal, we need you on our team.

“The CSO taught our community how to win change.”

— Pat, Grimsby, England.

Let’s meet up in real life to pool the power of community.

Sign up to be the first to know about our events. Every year we organise community organising trainings, assemblies and events for hundreds of people. All to generate power for abandoned places.

Get involved. Sign up now.